Working Feet

Walking , running ,jumping – places greater physical demands on the body than normal day- to – day activities.  While running, your feet can absorb up to 3 to 8  times your body weight.  Not surprisingly, injuries to the foot and lower limb make up a large proportion of sporting  injuries.  Podiatrists understand the structure and movement of the foot: therefore, they can diagnose foot conditions, recommend  appropriate footwear and training regimens . come make an appointment with us .

Children’s feet are still forming and are quite fragile. They can be easily damaged , uneven shoe wear , skin rashes , lumps and bumps on the feet : pain in the legs or feet ; frequent tripping and falling are signs of potential problems, act now for peace of mind  we are only a call away.

Working feet can cover as many as 24 kilometres in a day as well as absorbing heavy loads associated with walking , lifting ,running  and  jumping on and off machinery or in and out of cars. Nearly 20% of all workplace  injury claims relate to injuries to the feet and toes and research has shown that workplace foot problems  including those related to ill – fitting  or inappropriate footwear are common .
By the time we reach the age of 50 , our feet have covered 86,000 kilometres, making them more prone to injury and disease.

Clinical studies show  that by 50. We are 80% more likely to develop arthritis in the foot and ankle as well as being 100% more likely to develop toe and joint deformities .

In almost every workplace, there is a risk of trips , slips and falls , or objects falling or rolling onto  feet . Be aware of foot hazards and use foot safe  work practices

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